Snake Chinese Horoscope Sign Year 2025

Snake - Chinese Zodiac Sign
Lively and slightly selfishYin/Yang
Yin - passive - negativeDate of Birth
Snake Chinese Zodiac Sign - Characteristics, Personality, Meanings and Compatibility
Characteristics and personality of the Snake
In most countries of the world Snake has a very bad reputation. On the other hand, in the countries of Asia, Snakes are prized, and much appreciated for their wisdom and sagacity. A man born in this sign is sensitive and full of humor. A woman is pretty, and often makes her way through life using her gift of attractive beauty. The Snakes are also a little shy. They think very deeply, almost philosophically, which give them a power of insightful reasoning. Their highly developed instincts allow them to avoid dangerous and complex situations, where others find themselves to be clueless. This instinct also allows them to get through to the people or places beneficial to them.
Snakes rely more on their own senses, impressions, feelings, rather than on the experience and advice of others. They are very strong and self-confident, and cannot bear to lose under any circumstances. Although they are by nature the diplomats, they make their decisions quickly.
Snakes are willing to help their friends. Not financially, but rather through action or advice. Unfortunately, they use people who are indebted them to the point of despair. Due to their cunning and sly nature, they manage to avoid those whom they dislike. When they love, they do so passionately and extremely possessively even though their love for the other had long since ceased to exist. This can sometime lead the Snakes, or their partner, to become violent against each other.
The Snakes are primarily the hunters, especially a man who is attractive to women. A woman born in this sign is very aware of her attractiveness, and she takes her time luring her victims. People born in the sign of the Snake often complicate their relationships by unfaithfulness. They would do better if they committed their love only to their own family.
Celebrities born in the Sign of Snake
Bill Pullman, Pierce Brosnan, Peter Coyote, Liv Tyler, John Malkovich, Peter Stormare, Nick Nolte, Chris Penn, Robert Downey Jr., Ben Stiller, Kim Basinger, Joseph Cotten, Kate Capshaw, Tchéky Karyo, Connie Nielsen, David Morse, Robert Beltran, Beau Bridges, Christopher Plummer, Charlie Sheen, Max von Sydow, Elizabeth Hurley, Sarah Jessica Parker, Julie Christie, Henry Fonda, Joan Fontaine, Greta Garbo, Susan Hayward, Audrey Hepburn, Grace KellySnake in Elements - Characteristics

Wood Snake
Snakes in the element of Wood tend to be very cool and daring. Their advantage is their commitment to others, which can however, degenerate into dependency on the beloved person. They have a tendency to smother their lovers to the point of immobilization.
Snakes in the element of Wood tend to be very cool and daring. Their advantage is their commitment to others, which can however, degenerate into dependency on the beloved person. They have a tendency to smother their lovers to the point of immobilization.

Fire Snake
Fire brings into the sign of Snake gentleness and kindness. These Snakes are friendly and nice. They are blessed with goodness, compassion and are the extremely hard workers. They are the harmless Snakes. They are amongst the most popular Snakes at all.
Fire brings into the sign of Snake gentleness and kindness. These Snakes are friendly and nice. They are blessed with goodness, compassion and are the extremely hard workers. They are the harmless Snakes. They are amongst the most popular Snakes at all.

Earth Snake
These Snakes are very graceful and almost magically mysterious. They have an incredibly developed sixth sense. They are often blessed with psychic abilities, penchant for magic and the occult. They can subjugate others easily.
These Snakes are very graceful and almost magically mysterious. They have an incredibly developed sixth sense. They are often blessed with psychic abilities, penchant for magic and the occult. They can subjugate others easily.

Metal Snake
Metal brings to the sign of Snake a gift of great elegance and refined manners. Such Snakes are extremely social, like to go to parties, like showing off and are irresistible. They should, however, avoid rage and passion, that behavior can be very poisonous.
Metal brings to the sign of Snake a gift of great elegance and refined manners. Such Snakes are extremely social, like to go to parties, like showing off and are irresistible. They should, however, avoid rage and passion, that behavior can be very poisonous.

Water Snake
Snakes under the influence of Water are noble, powerful and have great strength. Such Snakes usually evoke great respect and even fear in many. Man Snake dazzles his surroundings and is well aware of his ability's.
Snakes under the influence of Water are noble, powerful and have great strength. Such Snakes usually evoke great respect and even fear in many. Man Snake dazzles his surroundings and is well aware of his ability's.
Snake - Compatibility with other Chinese Zodiac Signs
They can work quite well together and even achieve success. If a Rat and a Snake admire each other, there will be a special bond between them, but not love.
Snake and Ox are suited for each other exceptionally well. They feel mutual sympathy and create an extremely active and enduring partnership.
They feel that they cannot rely on each other and constantly suspect one another. They tend to be very cold to each other and sometimes make no secret of deep-rooted mutual dislike. If there is a reason for enmity, they will become ruthless enemies.
Snake and Rabbit are polite and considerate. Both have high ambitions and a common effort to achieve them. They can form a harmonious couple. However, they lack passion.
They mutually support themselves and communicate effectively. They make up a harmonious couple in both love and business relations. They are happy together.
They do not dwell on each other, yet their ambitions appear to be converging. If they do not become jealous of each other, together they can achieve greatness.
Each one of these signs expects something completely different from life. They don't understand each other well and neither one is satisfied with their relationship.
They are open and gentle towards each other, but only to a certain extent. The Snake is passionate and likes to control the other, yet Goat's commitment is too confining for Snake.
A big obstacle in relationship between these two signs is ambition and competition. Both love intrigue and trying to swing the score in their own favor. Such a relationship has nothing to gain. They can work together only if there is a big profit on the horizon. Even at such a time, however, they cannot completely trust each other.
Romance does not interest them much. They like to dream of Fame and Wealth. They're smart, and they know that they can do great things together.
They are mutually respectful. Occasionally, they do not endorse action of the other, but that doesn’t prevent them from falling in love.
These two diametrically different personalities cannot be together for more than a minute.
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