Pig Chinese Horoscope Sign Year 2025

Pig - Chinese Zodiac Sign
Effort to do everything correctlyYin/Yang
Yin - passive - negativeDate of Birth
Pig Chinese Zodiac Sign - Characteristics, Personality, Meanings and Compatibility
Characteristics and personality of the Pig
Pig is a good-natured, courteous gentleman who’s always willing to help. You can trust Pigs, because they will never betray you and will never even think about it. They are naive, trusting and in need of protection. They can be easily fooled. Later, they will try to cheerfully condone their own and even others mistakes.
Pigs are hopelessly honest, almost to their own destruction and are stumped by insincerities of their surroundings. If they are lying, it is only in time of greatest need, usually in order to protect themselves. They are intelligent, but not very skillful or mischievous. In the company of a good friend, Pigs can become even a little self-indulgent. Their desire for knowledge is immense, and they read everything that comes to hand. They appear to be very well educated, but it’s just an illusion, because their knowledge tends to be superficial.
However, behind the quiet appearance is hiding power and authority. When Pigs decide to do something, then nothing in the world will prevent them from achieving their goal. They will use all their energy to finish what they put their mind to.
Pigs have very few friends, but those friendships last a lifetime. For those friends, Pigs are willing to make even the most incredible sacrifices. They can handle any profession, and they are conscientious and diligent. Thanks to their deep emotional nature, they can also be very successful in the art field. People often have a tendency to exploit their naivety. This also applies to their emotional life. Pigs are often deceived, betrayed, but also loved. However, as soon as they start to roll around in the dirt, they will end badly.
Celebrities born in the Sign of Pig
Ewan McGregor, Kevin Kline, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sam Neill, Richard Dreyfuss, William Atherton, Val Kilmer, Vincent D'Onofrio, Tom Arnold, Anne Archer, Winona Ryder, Sean Astin, Sean Bean, Kyle MacLachlan, Diane Ladd, Kevin Spacey, Meat Loaf, Jared Leto, Sean Young, Edward James Olmos, Woody Allen, Albert Brooks, Charlton Heston, Dudley Moore, Donald Sutherland, Peter Weller, James Woods, Rosanna Arquette, Glenn Close, Rebecca De MornayPig in Elements - Characteristics

Wood Pig
Most honorable Pig of all. These Pigs will never be seduced by any unfair deed, always and under all circumstances will retain their solidity and honesty. They are also a lot more attentive to their family and their loved ones.
Most honorable Pig of all. These Pigs will never be seduced by any unfair deed, always and under all circumstances will retain their solidity and honesty. They are also a lot more attentive to their family and their loved ones.

Fire Pig
Pigs rely always on their job performance. They approach everything conscientiously and at all times are willing to lend a helping hand. They treat all people around them as their friends, and have a tendency to always seek the better side in others.
Pigs rely always on their job performance. They approach everything conscientiously and at all times are willing to lend a helping hand. They treat all people around them as their friends, and have a tendency to always seek the better side in others.

Earth Pig
Pigs under the influence of Earth tend to have an incredibly developed sixth sense. They are probably blessed with psychic, almost vampire-like abilities. They relate to magic and the occult, and usually easily control others.
Pigs under the influence of Earth tend to have an incredibly developed sixth sense. They are probably blessed with psychic, almost vampire-like abilities. They relate to magic and the occult, and usually easily control others.

Metal Pig
These Pigs give off very elegant and refined impression. However, at the same time they have to tone down their impatience and inclination to hasty actions. These could steer the otherwise intelligent and wise Pigs down the wrong path.
These Pigs give off very elegant and refined impression. However, at the same time they have to tone down their impatience and inclination to hasty actions. These could steer the otherwise intelligent and wise Pigs down the wrong path.

Water Pig
These Pigs make an impression on everyone they meet. At first glance, they come off as an exceptional personality, even if this is, in fact, not true. The strength of these Pigs is always the first impression and they should try to make the most of it.
These Pigs make an impression on everyone they meet. At first glance, they come off as an exceptional personality, even if this is, in fact, not true. The strength of these Pigs is always the first impression and they should try to make the most of it.
Pig - Compatibility with other Chinese Zodiac Signs
Both are trying to create a strong and peaceful home, and most of the time they are successful. They have clear ideas about life and are happy to share them.
They do not argue much, but also fail to fall in love. The relationship between the Ox and the Pig doesn't usually last long.
These two signs provide safety for each other. They complement each other in both love and work. They are destined to live in happiness and contentment.
Pig can never really see through the Rabbit. The Pig will exude feelings and luxury, which Rabbit loves. Both feel good and are very in love.
These two have love-filled relations. They are both romantic and can uphold each other. They understand each other’s needs, plans and dreams, and together, they can go after them with full dedication.
These two diametrically different personalities cannot be together for less than a minute.
Both are looking for joy in life. They are sociable, gregarious and, to some extent, can be useful to one another. They enjoy life fully. However, since neither of them cares much about what happens tomorrow, they could make some serious mistakes.
These two are an example of a faithful and sensitive relationship. They both bring to the marriage the best of their personalities and carefully take care of each other.
Pig and Monkey are polite and considerate towards each other, but not thrilled with their relationship. For a complicated Monkey, the Pig is too transparent and good natured. Pig, in turn, loathes Monkeys intrigues.
They have many issues on which they disagree, but if one admires and appreciates the other, they can deal with it.
Each one of them views life quite differently, but they can fall in love. Pig is sufficiently tolerant and views Dog as a reliable ally.
They cannot provide mutual support for each other as they are too emotional.
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