Rabbit / TU Chinese Zodiac Sign

Rabbit - Chinese Zodiac Sign




Sensitive and intuitive


Yin - passive - negative

Date of Birth

29 Jan 1903  -

15 Feb 1904


14 Feb 1915  -

2 Feb 1916


2 Feb 1927  -

22 Jan 1928


19 Feb 1939  -

7 Feb 1940


6 Feb 1951  -

26 Jan 1952


25 Jan 1963  -

12 Feb 1964


11 Feb 1975  -

30 Jan 1976


29 Jan 1987  -

16 Feb 1988


16 Feb 1999  -

4 Feb 2000


3 Feb 2011  -

22 Jan 2012


22 Jan 2023  -

9 Feb 2024


8 Feb 2035  -

27 Jan 2036


26 Jan 2047  -

13 Feb 2048


12 Feb 2059  -

1 Feb 2060


31 Jan 2071  -

18 Feb 2072


17 Feb 2083  -

5 Feb 2084


5 Feb 2095  -

24 Jan 2096


Rabbit Chinese Zodiac Sign - Characteristics, Personality, Meanings and Compatibility

Characteristics and personality of the Rabbit
The Rabbit is usually cautious, sensible and reserved. People born in the Year of the Rabbit want to live in peace and comfort and protect their peaceful life. The Rabbits are extremely gentle creatures - they symbolize charm and kindness. Rabbits exhibit good manners and enjoy beauty. They do not like controversy and hate power struggle.

However, what Rabbits loose in their ambition, they will make up in the development of their mind. Rabbits are the experts in seeking their goals peacefully and without unnecessary effort. To others Rabbits are tolerant and open-minded, because they understand their hidden intentions. People trust them, because Rabbits have certain aura of peace kind impression. That being said, under their apparent sociability hides tremendous shyness, which is the result of a natural inclination to keep their distance.

The Rabbits are fairly easily influenced by others and are more sensitive than it might seem at first glance. They love their family, home and their private life; all of which gives them a sense of security. They don’t like to talk about their private life too often as they consider it to be a private matter. Rabbits are is interested in advancement of their career only if it makes their life more comfortable. They are good businessmen and have a feeling for deals, and can take advantage of good opportunities.

Unfortunately, another important feature of the Rabbit is insincerity. Rabbits can pretend to be angry or lie about something when they need to find out the truth. They can skillfully manipulate others, to get their way. In love they are steady, gentle, sensitive, romantic and faithful. As in his social life, in love they do not search for adventure or passion.

Rabbit in Elements - Characteristics

Wood Chinese Element Rabbit
Wood Rabbit
Under the influence of Wood, the Rabbit is rather vigilant, reserved and shy. This type of Rabbit is usually much more serious and hard working than other Rabbits. If a conflict occurs, this Rabbit tends to be the fiercest and bravest than the other Rabbits.
Fire Chinese Element Rabbit
Fire Rabbit
Fire brings to this sign a good heart, kindness and a great deal of hard work. These Rabbits are the most peaceful and nicest of them all. Sadly, this quality can make them vulnerable to people, who will want to take advantage of their goodness.
Earth Chinese Element Rabbit
Earth Rabbit
These Rabbits have amplified all negative and positive qualities. They are extremely intuitive and capable of survival. On the other hand, however, they have inkling to be alone. They are extremely cute and very intelligent, so they can get people do what they desire.
Metal Chinese Element Rabbit
Metal Rabbit
These Rabbits have nobility, gentility and very cultured demeanor. They achieve extreme quality in everything they do. This combination is ideal for career wives of Presidents, directors, or diplomats. In men, this Rabbit exhibits a gentlemen's behavior.
Water Chinese Element Rabbit
Water Rabbit
Water provides these Rabbits with magnificent, almost exotic or fairytale appearance. They easily and quickly influence others, which they use to their advantage. They carefully cultivate an appearance of mystery so others look up to them with reverence and respect.

Rabbit - Compatibility with other Chinese Zodiac Signs

Rabbit and Rat interact well. But rather than about love, we can talk about friendship between these two signs.
Ox and Rabbit create a solid and a harmonious pair. They may be lovers and even good colleagues. They meet each other’s needs.
These two do not feel much sympathy towards each other, and certainly do not confide in each other. They do tolerate the company of the other, but do not actively seek it.
Two Rabbits supply each other with knowledge, support each other and push each other toward greater performance. They are wise and know that together they can be better.
With a little effort they can find common interests, on which they can build a working relationship. Both partners know that they can rely on themselves, and to some extent, they are even able to tolerate each other.
Together, they are polite and considerate. Both have high ambitions and a common effort to achieve them so they can form a harmonious couple. But real love is missing in this relationship.
Rabbit and Horse will never make a good pair. They do not complement each other in anything. They can't even work together.
If these two signs meet, they form a successful and prosperous couple. Their whole life will be accompanied by love and understanding.
They are always suspicious of each other. They argue because of petty things and always compete. They can get along, but never for too long.
None of the other signs can create such unmatchable relationship with the friendly and wise Rabbit. This pair does not agree on anything, not even the weather.
Relationship between these two signs is very useful and beneficial. There is deep trust between them and the relationship can thrive.
Pig and Rabbit are tuned to the same wave. They like each other.