Ox / NIU Chinese Zodiac Sign

Ox - Chinese Zodiac Sign




Strong character


Yin - passive - negative

Date of Birth

19 Feb 1901  -

7 Feb 1902


6 Feb 1913  -

25 Jan 1914


24 Jan 1925  -

12 Feb 1926


11 Feb 1937  -

30 Jan 1938


29 Jan 1949  -

16 Feb 1950


15 Feb 1961  -

4 Feb 1962


3 Feb 1973  -

22 Jan 1974


20 Feb 1985  -

8 Feb 1986


7 Feb 1997  -

27 Jan 1998


26 Jan 2009  -

13 Feb 2010


12 Feb 2021  -

31 Jan 2022


31 Jan 2033  -

18 Feb 2034


17 Feb 2045  -

5 Feb 2046


4 Feb 2057  -

23 Jan 2058


23 Jan 2069  -

10 Feb 2070


9 Feb 2081  -

28 Jan 2082


27 Jan 2093  -

14 Feb 2094


Ox Chinese Zodiac Sign - Characteristics, Personality, Meanings and Compatibility

Characteristics and personality of the Ox
People born in the Year of the Ox are silent, patient and calm. But their boorish behavior hides original thoughts and intelligence. They seem trustworthy and that is the main reason why they prosper. They are cautious and love work and solitude. Despite their peaceful behavior they can be rather the hot heads. Their outbursts of temper are sparse, but particularly sharp. It is not advisable to tease them, as they could become dangerous and aggressive. Although they are generally closed within themselves, they can become very talkative, if the situation so requires. The Oxen hate all modern and progressive, they are more of a traditionalists.

Oxen are extremely diligent and capable, but not always will that result with a successful conclusion. Unfortunately, Oxen are not always well understood by their fellow citizens and coworkers. They should not choose a stressful job, where they could come in contact with the authorities or people at all. Therefore, work in public administration is not a good fit for them. Traveling is also not advisable as it disturbs their health and mental equilibrium. They should rather remain in the comfort of home. Female, born under the sign of the Ox clings to her home and is excellent housewife. Often it is also she who steers the family boat through the waves of life.

Oxen are proud of their children and family. In return they expect blind obedience and govern everything with authority and high degrees of severity. To Oxen, flirting, as well as love, is a loving joke. They can be devoted, gentle and sensual, but never romantic.

Ox in Elements - Characteristics

Wood Chinese Element Ox
Wood Ox
Wood evokes in Ox cold-heartedness and loneliness. If these Oxen defend their interests, they do so strongly, can yell and fight. They hate any intrigue, slander and backstabbing. These Oxen are very courageous.
Fire Chinese Element Ox
Fire Ox
This Ox is good-hearted, peaceful, kind, and tends to be the vulnerable to jokesters. These Oxen are not aggressive and tend to avoid conflicts. They tend to be successful at work, and always try to improve themselves.
Earth Chinese Element Ox
Earth Ox
The Earth brings in this sign intuition and sixth sense. These Oxen are also more loving and cuddly than usual. The Earth will enhance their intelligence and the ability to think through everything in detail.
Metal Chinese Element Ox
Metal Ox
These Oxen are very elegant and have a noble conduct and demeanor. They are admired and revered by people surrounding them. The Oxen influenced by Metal should always beware of their own passions and thoughtless acts.
Water Chinese Element Ox
Water Ox
These Oxen have an extremely impressive appearance and innate respect. Their striking appearance often leads to appointment to leadership positions before other Oxen. Oxen under influence of Water are powerful and very proud.

Ox - Compatibility with other Chinese Zodiac Signs

Both signs are very attracted to each other. They can experience many of many beautiful moments in their marriage as well as work.
Both Partners born under the rule of the Ox can have common interests, but never really comprehend each other. They are together only if necessary.
Partnership between Tiger and Ox is like a life on the battlefield. These two literally can’t solve any problem calmly and peacefully.
With Ox, these two signs create a solid and a harmonious pair. They may be lovers as well as good colleagues. They know well how to work together.
They respect, and do not attack each other. In marriage, as well as working relationship, they share responsibilities and joys. They can endure together.
Good choice. Both have their feet firmly on the ground. They are careful, selective and systematic. In crisis situations, they can rely on each other.
If you notice people under the rule of the Horse and Ox, you feel as though each came from a different planet. You will almost see an imaginary wall that prevents them from communicating. They can be charming, but they will never understand each other.
At best they are able to maintain only a cold relationship. They can tolerate each other, but the question is how long it will last. One is not interested in the other.
While they don’t necessarily clash, their relationship is full of mutual reservations. They are not able to find a common basis in negotiations.
This is a great combination for a fabulous life together. Love and understanding will come magically.
They do not have much in common, and their mutual relations are not good. They are often fierce enemies.
They don’t fight, but also do not love each other very much. The relationship between Ox and Pig doesn't usually last long.