Goat / YANG Chinese Zodiac Sign

Goat - Chinese Zodiac Sign




Without significant character traits


Yin - passive - negative

Date of Birth

13 Feb 1907  -

1 Feb 1908


1 Feb 1919  -

19 Feb 1920


17 Feb 1931  -

5 Feb 1932


5 Feb 1943  -

24 Jan 1944


24 Jan 1955  -

11 Feb 1956


9 Feb 1967  -

29 Jan 1968


28 Jan 1979  -

15 Feb 1980


15 Feb 1991  -

3 Feb 1992


1 Feb 2003  -

21 Jan 2004


19 Feb 2015  -

7 Feb 2016


6 Feb 2027  -

25 Jan 2028


24 Jan 2039  -

11 Feb 2040


11 Feb 2051  -

31 Jan 2052


29 Jan 2063  -

16 Feb 2064


15 Feb 2075  -

4 Feb 2076


3 Feb 2087  -

23 Jan 2088


Goat Chinese Zodiac Sign - Characteristics, Personality, Meanings and Compatibility

Characteristics and personality of the Goat
The Goat loves elegant appearances and loves showing off. Goats are also artistically talented and love nature. Goats are never satisfied with the fate and often drive their peers insane with their comments. Their weaknesses and internal uncertainty obscures a strong arrogance. They are intrusive, without being aware of it. They are always late and have no sense of time and usually don’t even bother to look at the clock. They tend to ask others or even their partners to keep time for them. This can become intolerable. Still, Goats can appeal to others, if it is in their own interest.

Goats adapt with extraordinary ease to different life situations, if those promise at least some modest security. They like to be talked about and like to advise others. But they always try to get out of everything the easy way and often whine. They can come off as modest and mild, though they can be quite whimsical.

Goats can be easily tided down but one has to understand that they will be jerking on the rope. They like pretending to be in a habit of giving orders, but in fact, it is them who are made to take orders. If steered well, they can achieve success and even shine in cultural careers.

Goats have flair and charm that will lead them to success. They long to live in safety, dream of marrying a rich, generous friend or of getting a profitable job.

Goat in Elements - Characteristics

Wood Chinese Element Goat
Wood Goat
Wood gives Goat the properties of dedication, alertness and self-control. Such a Goat tends to be most pessimistic of all. These Goats keep a distance from others, are greatly suspicious and overly critical. They are the truest and most loyal of all the Goats.
Fire Chinese Element Goat
Fire Goat
Good heart, honesty, warmth, mildness and hard work, these are the qualities of these Goats. They also have great artistic skills and are able to work conscientiously, honestly and diligently towards their objectives. They are very attached to their home, and to their own values.
Earth Chinese Element Goat
Earth Goat
Goats under the influence of the Earth are extremely cuddly and very strongly cling to love. They look very desirable to the opposite sex. Although they are not beautiful, they are very appealing and attractive. These Goats are very peaceful and kind.
Metal Chinese Element Goat
Metal Goat
These Goats like to show off. If not, perhaps, in the wider community, then at least amongst their friends, and they can do so with elegance and refinement. They tend to have a very refined taste and attention to details. These Goats are also quite impatient, moody and irritable.
Water Chinese Element Goat
Water Goat
Goats under the influence of Water look very exotic and almost otherworldly beautiful. Often, however, they create an atmosphere of uneasiness around them. Sometimes they behave unusual and mysterious.

Goat - Compatibility with other Chinese Zodiac Signs

They don’t have anything to say to each other. Both signs even feel dislike and antipathy against each other. Love between them is absurd and unimaginable.
At best they are able to maintain a cold relationship. They can tolerate each other, but the question is, how long it lasts. They are not interested in one another much.
These two do not have too much to talk about. They are unable to agree on any rules that would bind them to each other. They do not argue but can’t find a reason for mutual admiration, friendship and even love.
The Goat is one of the best choices of a partner. Both are sensitive to each other’s mood and take good care of each other.
The important thing is, whether or not they'll find related interests. They can be charming towards each other, but a genuine love will not occur amongst them.
They are open and gentle towards each other, but only to a certain extent. The Snake is passionate and likes to control the other, yet Goat's commitment is too confining for Snake.
Horse is very attracted to the Goat. Family and home centered Goat creates safe space for the wild and adventure loving Horse. It is a guarantee of lasting relationship.
Both are family types. They are also so considerate and tactful they can easily cope with errors of the other. They are dependent on each other and often pamper their children too much.
Monkey never does take the Goat too seriously. Marriage is not based on the equivalence of the partners. The couple may be solid, but not happy.
They do not know how to cope with the peculiarities of each other’s nature. The Rooster has way too much energy and Goat, in turn, is scrupulously careful and rigid.
Dog constantly criticizes Goat, yet at the same time Dog requires compassion and mental support. Goat does not like Dog’s combination of self-pity and complaints. They do not complement each other.
This is a perfect marital relationship full of tolerance and mutual understanding. Both signs are complementary and naturally correct the shortcomings of the other.