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Beginner's Guide to Astrology Search Tools and Calculators on Astro-Seek

Beginner's Guide to
Astrology Search Tools
& Calculators on Astro-Seek

This short guide helps to explain the basic functions of some of Astro-Seek´s search tools and how you can use them to calculate various astrological events.

Mundane Events impacting everyone on the planet

Ephemeris Search Engine

Ephemeris Search Engine

Do you want to know the dates when Venus was in Leo, Mars was at 6° Aries, Mercury was retrograde ... and Jupiter was also in conjunction with Saturn?

Ephemeris Search Engine allows you to combine all of these astrology search options.

  • Daily ephemeris at 12:00 (noon) UT/GMT:
    - Tool works with planet positions at 12:00 UT/GMT.
  • Degrees° are rounded to the whole degree:
    - If you search for Mars in 6° Aries - then you will get all dates when Mars was 6°00' - 6°59' Aries at 12:00 UT/GMT.
  • Select optional "orbs" for aspects (distance from exactness):
    - If you select the smaller orb° (smaller distance) then you will get a short time period when the aspect was exact and intense.
    - If you select the larger orb° (larger distance) then you will get a longer time period during which the aspect was active, but not as intense.
Ephemris Search Engine Ephemris Search Engine
Tool works with both tropical and sidereal zodiacs and you can search within the years: 500(BC) - 2500(AD).
Aspect Search Engine

Aspect Search Engine

Do you want to know the exact time(s) when Jupiter was in exact conjunction with Saturn? ... or Neptune will be exactly aspecting Pluto again?

This is the tool for that job. It searches within the vast database of exact aspects that have already occurred in the past, or will occur in the future.

  • Aspects are displayed in chronological order by default.
  • You can change the default settings and order aspects by their zodiacal degree to search for the times certain aspects happened in a particular sign or particular sign degrees.
  • And there is also a graphical add-on called Aspects @ Zodiac Degrees where you can display various aspects and their positions in a circular 0-360° graphical zodiac wheel.
Aspect Search Engine Aspect Search Engine Aspect Search Engine Aspect Search Engine Aspect Search Engine Aspect Search Engine
Tool works with both tropical and sidereal zodiacs and you can again search within the years: 500(BC) - 2500(AD).
Returns on particular X° degree

Returns on particular X° degree

Do you want to know the exact time(s) when Mars returned to exactly 18°53' Aries? ... Uranus entered 0°00' Taurus? ... or Saturn will be at exactly 22°56' Aquarius?

This tool calculates these moments, and also has a few additional options:
  • (ingress ~ entry):
    - this option calculates the moment when a particular planet enters into a particular sign (0°00').
  • 0° & 30° (ingress and egress ~ entry and exit):
    - this option calculates moments when a particular planet enters into a particular sign (0°00') and leaves into the next sign (30°00').
  • 0° of Each Sign:
    - this option calculates moments when a particular planet enters into any of the 12 zodiac signs step by step.
  • X° of Each Sign:
    - this option calculates the moments when a particular planet returns on an exact X°YY' degree of all 12 zodiac signs.
Returns on particular X° degree Returns on particular X° degree Returns on particular X° degree Returns on particular X° degree Returns on particular X° degree
Tool works with tropical zodiac, and you can calculate returns within the years 1800-2100.

If you know your natal chart placements from memory, you can also use this X° tool to calculate personal events:
- Saturn transiting over your natal ASC or MC
- Venus returning to her natal position
- Pluto entering into your natal 5th house; etc ...
or, you can skip to the "Personal Events" section which explains tools for searching all these personal transit events.

Personal Events impacting your natal chart

Planet Return Calculator

Planet Return Calculator

Do you want to know the exact time(s) when Venus or Saturn will return exactly to your natal positions again?

Planet Return Calculator can calculate these moments. It also gives you an option to see the charts of these moments separately, or you can compare these charts with your natal chart.

This tool is universal and you can use it for any planet return, but there are a few other standalone planet return calculators which are optimized for a particular purpose:
  • Solar Return calculator is optimized to show you your Solar return chart separately, and also shows a comparision with your Natal chart, including a list of mutual aspects and solar-vs-natal house placements.
  • Saturn Return calculator will give you a list of all your life-time Saturn returns and highlights repetitive retrograde returns.
  • Patterns in Planet Returns is little bit more of an advanced tool. If you are into astrology research, you can try this tool to examine the patterns in your previous returns. (You can examine patterns like: Solar return's ASC in your natal houses, etc.)
Planet Return Calculator Planet Return Calculator Planet Return Calculator Planet Return Calculator
All return tools work with tropical zodiac and you can calculate returns within the years: 1800-2100.
Natal Transits Search Engine

Natal Transits Search Engine

Do you want to know the exact time(s) when transiting Saturn will conjunct your Ascendant? ... Mars will square your natal Venus? ... Uranus will oppose your natal Uranus? ... or transit Pluto will enter into your 5th house?

Natal Transits Search Engine calculates all these various moments.

  • This tool has an option "Transits & Progressions" which converts Transit dates into Secondary progression dates:
    = you can also use this tool to calculate moments when the progressed Moon will conjunct your natal Moon, or the progressed Moon will enter your 8th house, etc.
  • There is also an add-on: Personal Transit Calendar. It uses the same natal transit search engine, but there are some additional functions, and you can generate and print your own personal transit calendars like:
    - Monthly calendar showing all Moon transits to your natal chart
    - Annual calendar showing all Sun aspects to your natal chart
    - Life-time calendar showing all Pluto conjunctions to your natal chart, etc.
Natal Transits Search Engine Natal Transits Search Engine Natal Transits Search Engine Natal Transits Search Engine Natal Transits Search Engine Natal Transits Search Engine
Search engine works with tropical zodiac and you can calculate transits within the years: 1800-2100.
Various Astro Events in Natal chart

Various Astro Events in Natal chart

Are you interested in Full Moons, New Moons, Eclipses? ... Progressed Lunation Cycle? ... Retrograde planets? ... and do you want to see how they affect your own natal chart?

There are several tools that can help you:

  • Full & New Moons in Natal chart will show you an annual list of all Full Moons and New Moons and their positions in your natal chart houses including transit aspects.
  • Retrograde/Stations in Natal chart - the same tool will show you also an annual list of all Stations (planets in stationary->retrograde or stationary->direct phase) and their positions in your natal chart houses including transit aspects.
  • Eclipses in Natal chart will show you a 5-year list of all Eclipses and their positions in your natal chart houses including transit aspects.
  • Transit Conjunctions in Natal chart will show you a list of selected transit conjunctions (Saturn-Jupiter, Saturn-Pluto, etc.) and their positions in your natal chart houses including transit aspects.
  • Progressed Full & New Moons in Natal chart will show you a short list of all your life-time progressed Full Moons and New Moons including progressed Eclipses and Prenatal Eclipses and their positions in your natal chart houses.
Various Astro Events in Natal chart Various Astro Events in Natal chart Various Astro Events in Natal chart Various Astro Events in Natal chart
Current planets
Third Quarter Moon (305°07’)
Node (M)
Node (T)
Lilith (M)
Calculate when planet
enters next Signs: