Monkey / HOU Chinese Zodiac Sign

Monkey - Chinese Zodiac Sign




Agile, nimble and cunning


Yang - active - positive

Date of Birth

2 Feb 1908  -

21 Jan 1909


20 Feb 1920  -

7 Feb 1921


6 Feb 1932  -

25 Jan 1933


25 Jan 1944  -

12 Feb 1945


12 Feb 1956  -

30 Jan 1957


30 Jan 1968  -

16 Feb 1969


16 Feb 1980  -

4 Feb 1981


4 Feb 1992  -

22 Jan 1993


22 Jan 2004  -

8 Feb 2005


8 Feb 2016  -

27 Jan 2017


26 Jan 2028  -

12 Feb 2029


12 Feb 2040  -

31 Jan 2041


1 Feb 2052  -

18 Feb 2053


17 Feb 2064  -

4 Feb 2065


5 Feb 2076  -

23 Jan 2077


24 Jan 2088  -

9 Feb 2089


Monkey Chinese Zodiac Sign - Characteristics, Personality, Meanings and Compatibility

Characteristics and personality of the Monkey
Monkey is a wily trickster, and is often hilarious. Monkeys are deceitful, but companionable and give the impression that they can get along with all the other animals. It is, however, only one of their tactics, since behind their appearance they hide only their own financial goals. They cunningly acquire services and advantages which they don’t seem to ever need and take them for granted. They are, however, full of love and even willing to always help. They hide their poor opinion of others behind kindness and gentleness.

Monkeys are smart and of intellectual nature. They like to read everything, and read a lot. They are cultivated, even learned. Monkeys have an excellent feel for details and everything they see, hear and live through. They are extremely inventive and original. They can easily solve toughest life situations and problems. Monkeys have a sharp mind and can easily charm their fellow citizens, even the strong, tough, brilliant and durable Dragon. They could become the most ideal secretary to their boss. Monkeys can even resist the attractiveness of Tiger, whom they ultimately make fun off.

Monkeys are not ashamed to be dishonest or lie, if it seems to be good for their own gains. They are disingenuous, if they know it can get them out of danger. However, whatever they do, no one can get angry with them. Monkeys are able to charm everyone around them.

In Love, Monkeys are rarely lucky. They will fall in love quickly, but just as quickly discard beloved beings and find a new love. Although they are very passionate, they cool down very quickly, an act which can eventually save they from harm.

Monkey in Elements - Characteristics

Wood Chinese Element Monkey
Wood Monkey
These Monkeys are capable of amazing criticism. They are honest, truthful and aggressive. They are always trying to maintain their honesty, reliability and pride. They are also the most loyal of all Monkeys, and will fight for their loved ones.
Fire Chinese Element Monkey
Fire Monkey
Monkeys under the influence of Fire are always good-hearted, kind, friendly and hardworking. They rely on their own performance, approach everything dutifully and are always willing to lend a hand.
Earth Chinese Element Monkey
Earth Monkey
These Monkeys have great intuition, ability to survive, and good feel for people and different kinds of situations. They are great actors and comedians, but they are also blessed with enormous flair and sensitivity. They love the kids and tend to cling to emotional relationships. They are cuddly and friendly.
Metal Chinese Element Monkey
Metal Monkey
These Monkeys behave very unusually for this sign. They are conservative and proud. Monkeys under the influence of Metal cultivate and limit their expansive energy, regulate and develop their boundaries that they then never cross.
Water Chinese Element Monkey
Water Monkey
Water brings to the sign of Monkey impressive facade, dominant and proud demeanor and feel of immense force that impacts all around Monkey. The great advantage of these Monkeys is their first impression.

Monkey - Compatibility with other Chinese Zodiac Signs

The perfect connection. It is filled with understanding and mutual respect. Love between them is a wonderful and satisfying.
Although they don’t have to be afraid of direct conflict, their relationship is full of mutual reservations. They are not able to find a common basis for negotiations.
Monkey can't look Tiger straight in the eye. They are unable to resolve mutual contradictions. They are not compatible
These two signs have a totally different approach to life. They will rarely find a common chord.
They form an excellent pair; emotionally and intellectually they form an ideal marriage. When they're together, they literally shine. They are able to create a really beautiful home and enjoy a lot of fun and joy.
A big obstacle in the relationship between these two signs is ambition and competition. Both are prone to intrigue and try to increase the score in their own favor. Such a relationship cannot be successful. They can work together only if there is big profit on the horizon. Even at such a time, however, they cannot trust each other.
Their life together depends largely on how they can control their own egocentric personalities.
Monkey never does take the Goat too seriously. Marriage is not based on the equivalence of the partners. The couple may be solid, but not happy.
Their relationship can be very harmonious, but only if they do not envy each other their accomplishments.
If they are able to realize their own mistakes and meet at least halfway, then there is no reason why they could not make a great pair.
Dog and Monkey create a great couple. They feel affection for each other and are intelligent enough to be able to retreat if necessary.
Initially, it looks like the love between these two people is a fairytale. But over time, the worries of everyday life turn their love dull. Pig doesn’t like Monkey’s ruthless methods and Monkey, in turn, doesn’t agree with Pig’s overt generosity.