Rooster Chinese Horoscope Sign Year 2025

Rooster - Chinese Zodiac Sign
Hates to hear and accept sincerityYin/Yang
Yin - passive - negativeDate of Birth
Rooster Chinese Zodiac Sign - Characteristics, Personality, Meanings and Compatibility
Characteristics and personality of the Rooster
Rooster is extremely good-hearted, but sometimes brutally aggressive. People born in the Year of the Rooster can hurt people who do not understand them. Roosters always say what they think and when it comes to language, they can be brutally honest. But this aloofness shows their egoism. The feelings and opinions of others are totally indifferent to them. But they want to be honored, recognized and worshiped. Roosters have an affinity for fancy clothing, but at the core of their nature they are deeply conservative. They consider themselves always right, do not trust anyone and rely solely on themselves.
The Roosters may sometimes seem adventurous and bold, but in reality the opposite is true. They are arrogant and very often boast of events, they had lived through. They thrive in the larger groups rather than in a closed circle of close acquaintances. Roosters are very diligent. They want to prove more than their strengths, but they have a reason to be diligent because money doesn’t fall easily into their lap. But they still thrive in the most selfish matters, out of which they can always get the best for themselves. Roosters are suited for agriculture and human resources.
In love, Roosters must try harder than others. Often they cheat on their partner. But they are honest about their cheating.
Celebrities born in the Sign of Rooster
Edward Norton, Dolph Lundgren, Cate Blanchett, Goldie Hawn, Renée Zellweger, Steve Buscemi, Michael Madsen, Christian Slater, Natalie Portman, Kim Novak, Diane Keaton, Bob Gunton, Robert Blake, Tom Skerritt, Matthew McConaughey, Michael Clarke Duncan, Dirk Benedict, Charles Bronson, Daniel Day-Lewis, Steve Martin, Matthew Perry, Judge Reinhold, George Segal, John Turturro, Erika Eleniak, Linda Kozlowski, Jennifer Lopez, Kelly McGillis, Bette Midler, Helen MirrenRooster in Elements - Characteristics

Wood Rooster
Wood brings into the sign of Rooster a sense of duty, loyalty and devotion. Although Roosters are cold-blooded, introverted, pensive and very critical to the surroundings, they can, however, fight feverishly for their interests and for those whom they love.
Wood brings into the sign of Rooster a sense of duty, loyalty and devotion. Although Roosters are cold-blooded, introverted, pensive and very critical to the surroundings, they can, however, fight feverishly for their interests and for those whom they love.

Fire Rooster
These Roosters are the kindest of all Roosters, and also the least aggressive. They are always looking for a path of agreement rather than any conflict. These Roosters have great artistic talents and are usually successful in their profession.
These Roosters are the kindest of all Roosters, and also the least aggressive. They are always looking for a path of agreement rather than any conflict. These Roosters have great artistic talents and are usually successful in their profession.

Earth Rooster
Roosters under the influence of Earth are kind and considerate, clinging home lifestyle, and love to love and cuddle. They like to boast from time to time, but quickly recover and apologize. These people are blessed with a great deal of intuition and the understanding.
Roosters under the influence of Earth are kind and considerate, clinging home lifestyle, and love to love and cuddle. They like to boast from time to time, but quickly recover and apologize. These people are blessed with a great deal of intuition and the understanding.

Metal Rooster
Such Roosters will be greatly admired and revered. They must, however, be wary of their tendency to explosively rage, their extreme passions, their thoughtless, and their arrogant behavior.
Such Roosters will be greatly admired and revered. They must, however, be wary of their tendency to explosively rage, their extreme passions, their thoughtless, and their arrogant behavior.

Water Rooster
These Roosters are likely to make a big impression with their appearance and will be put in positions of power ahead of other Roosters. Water will give them great power and also pride.
These Roosters are likely to make a big impression with their appearance and will be put in positions of power ahead of other Roosters. Water will give them great power and also pride.
Rooster - Compatibility with other Chinese Zodiac Signs
From the relationship between Rat and Rooster can never arise anything exceptional or persistent. It is wiser to avoid one another.
A fabulous combination for partnership. Love and understanding will come magically.
They treat each other somewhat reservedly. They don't know how to communicate without irritating one another.
It is very unlikely that these two could ever reach a union of souls. Both bring out extremely angry, negative character traits in each other.
The marriage of Rooster with Dragon is usually permanent. They can develop deep devotion, which will allow them to navigate through life hand in hand.
Romance does not interest them much. They like to dream of Fame and Wealth. They're smart, and they know that they can do great things together.
These two act instinctively coldly towards each. Rooster does not understand Horse’s changing moods. At the same time, the Horse cannot bear Rooster’s obsession with facts and figures.
Rooster gets bothered by Goat’s self-pity and intemperance. Goat, in turn, considers Rooster cold and shrewd. They can rarely tolerate each other.
Their marriage is similar to the status of an armed truce. They're spiteful and are not interested in what the other feels. They may get along only if they have a strong goal for coexistence.
Both are so honest and honorable, that they cannot often come to terms with their own perfection. They will lead endless conversations on the topic of who is holier.
Both partners are very proud and bright. Soon they know each other in the minutest detail and can painfully wound each other with their sharp tongues.
They have many issues on which they disagree, but if one admires and appreciates the other, they can deal with it..
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