Dragon Chinese Horoscope Sign Year 2025

Dragon - Chinese Zodiac Sign
Active and selfishYin/Yang
Yang - active - positiveDate of Birth
Dragon Chinese Zodiac Sign - Characteristics, Personality, Meanings and Compatibility
Characteristics and personality of the Dragon
Dragon bursts with strength, energy and health. People born in the Year of the Dragon are very open, and never petty. They hate hypocrisy and gossip and generally do not have the best diplomatic dexterity. They are trusting and allow themselves to be manipulated. Their strive for perfection make them set high limits not only for themselves and their circle, but also for the whole world.
Dragons are irritable, sometimes short-tempered, opinionated, and often say things without thinking which they later regret. Nevertheless, it is wise to listen to their opinion, as it is usually a good advice. They are wild and can be easily drawn into mischief that can often harm them. The Dragons are very intelligent, insightful, tough and generous. They are very proud of themselves. Due to their logical thinking and wisdom in particular, they can be successful in any profession.
If Dragons devote themselves to big things, they usually reach the goal. Unfortunately, they also have the same success, when they devote their talents to the service of evil. In short, they are always the winners. When it comes to love, Dragons are adored by their lover, even though, they rarely reciprocate. Therefore, they don’t understand the bitterness of love, thus they leave their victims often ruthlessly in despair. Dragons shine with their personality, but unfortunately that is a mere facade.
Dragons are the beautiful and fantastic animals who, however, at will breathe fire, gold or water. But then, as in a fairy tale, they often tend to burn themselves. In Asia, Dragon is the symbol of earthly happiness and heavenly power.
Celebrities born in the Sign of Dragon
Liam Neeson, Christopher Reeve, Keanu Reeves, Orlando Bloom, Dan Aykroyd, Al Pacino, Russell Crowe, Jeff Goldblum, Patrick Swayze, Alicia Silverstone, Isabella Rossellini, Richard Pryor, Lance Henriksen, James Caan, James Coburn, Matt Dillon, Peter Fonda, James Garner, John Goodman, Martin Landau, Patrick McGoohan, Mickey Rourke, Steven Seagal, Martin Sheen, Sandra Bullock, Courteney Cox, Faye Dunaway, Julia Ormond, Reese Witherspoon, Roberto BenigniDragon in Elements - Characteristics

Wood Dragon
These Dragons are considerably short, self-conscious and less communicative; tend to be more critical of the mistakes of others. They are the least happy Dragon of all. Yet, they are the fighters, who are able to stand against injustice and lend a helping hand.
These Dragons are considerably short, self-conscious and less communicative; tend to be more critical of the mistakes of others. They are the least happy Dragon of all. Yet, they are the fighters, who are able to stand against injustice and lend a helping hand.

Fire Dragon
Dragons under the influence of the fire should be wary as there will always be someone, who’s going to want to use their kindness and warmth for their own purpose. They tend to be very hardworking, and perform their work duties quickly and well.
Dragons under the influence of the fire should be wary as there will always be someone, who’s going to want to use their kindness and warmth for their own purpose. They tend to be very hardworking, and perform their work duties quickly and well.

Earth Dragon
These Dragons are very perceptive and skillful diplomats. As oppose to the other Dragons, they tend to cling to their family and take excellent care of their loved ones. They also tend to be more modest, more gentle and cuddly.
These Dragons are very perceptive and skillful diplomats. As oppose to the other Dragons, they tend to cling to their family and take excellent care of their loved ones. They also tend to be more modest, more gentle and cuddly.

Metal Dragon
Metal brings to the sign of the Dragon nobility, pride and dignity. These Dragons have aristocratic demeanor, dazzle their surrounding with spectacular manners and perfect etiquette. They greatly behold the established rules and stubbornly refuse novelty.
Metal brings to the sign of the Dragon nobility, pride and dignity. These Dragons have aristocratic demeanor, dazzle their surrounding with spectacular manners and perfect etiquette. They greatly behold the established rules and stubbornly refuse novelty.

Water Dragon
These Dragons burst with great self-pride and look down at those closest to them. They tend to act as someone special. Their weakness is complacency and non-critical pleasure they receive from every meaningless compliment and sign of flattery. These Dragons can't distinguish between who means well and who is out to get them.
These Dragons burst with great self-pride and look down at those closest to them. They tend to act as someone special. Their weakness is complacency and non-critical pleasure they receive from every meaningless compliment and sign of flattery. These Dragons can't distinguish between who means well and who is out to get them.
Dragon - Compatibility with other Chinese Zodiac Signs
Dragon is a homerun for Rat. Together they can achieve a successful marriage, happiness and prosperity.
Although both signs love to rule, they do not tend to fight among themselves. However, rather than for marriage, they are suited for business partnership.
They respect each other and are willing to work together, possibly even live together. At times they can compete for leadership, but they can resolve their differences.
With a little effort they can find common interests, on which they can build a working relationship. Both partners know that they can rely on themselves, and are very tolerant towards each other.
Although it's a wonder, together the Dragons endure quite well. There are no major disputes between them, and they can live and work together well.
They tend to fight for enforcement of personal opinion amongst each other. However, the Snake admires the ambition of the Dragon. Conversely, the Dragon recognizes the Snake’s great wisdom. It is a harmonious relationship.
Both are impulsive and aggressive. These two often struggle for leadership. But they respect each other and are able to manage their differences.
The most important thing is whether or not they'll find related interests. They can be charming, but generally they will not feel genuine love towards each other.
They form an excellent pair. Both emotionally and intellectually they form an ideal marriage. When they're together, they literally glow. They are able to create a really beautiful household and enjoy a lot of fun and joy.
The marriage between Rooster and Dragon is usually permanent. They can develop deep connections, which will allow them to navigate through life hand in hand.
Abysmal differences between their natures do not give any chance to coexistence. They just don't like to acknowledge each other’s errors and respond toward each other defiantly and stubbornly.
They have cordial relations. They are both romantic and can hold on to each other. They support each other’s plans and dreams and together, they can go after them with full dedication.
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