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Leo Ascendant, Rising Sign in Leo
Leo Ascendant, Rising Sign in Leo

Leo Rising Sign
Ascendant in Leo
(Descendant in Aquarius)

Leo Ascendant - Personality, Characteristics & Meanings
People with Leo Ascendant need to use their creativity, authority and power. They are looking for love, admiration and applause. Some might push to the front by force and be eccentric. They should strive to become an independent and distinct person. Potential danger of these people is their pride. They must first show a good effort in order to deserve respect and admiration. Those who fail to shine may become bitter. A crucial turn is when they learn to give without expecting something in return.

Aquarius Descendant - Partners & Compatibility
For better relationship it is necessary to cool the fiery passion and learn to be more objective and fair. If Aquarius is your Descendant you should learn to be one of many. A bit of the ordinariness can make you more special. Ruler who treats his people as equals is far more popular than if he maintained a haughty distance.

Despite the unpredictability, there should be emphasis on freedom in your relationship. Maybe you choose partners who are open-minded and special so they can free you from your vanity.

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