Fixed Stars in Astrology, Tropical and Sidereal Zodiac, Astrology Online Calculator

Behenian Fixed Stars
15 Useful Stars in Astrology

The Behenian fixed stars are a selection of 15 stars considered especially useful for magical applications in the medieval astrology.
Their name is derived from Arabic bahman, which means "Root".
Behenian Fixed Stars:
Alcyone, Aldebaran, Algol, Algorab, Alkaid, Alphecca, Antares, Arcturus, Capella, Deneb Algedi, Procyon, Regulus, Sirius, Spica, Vega
Fixed Stars - Astrology Online Calculator
Group of Stars:
Sid. Ayanamsa:
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Fixed Star Constellation Longitude
(Zodiac degree)
Decl. Lat. RA Mag.
Tropical Sidereal
Alcyone Eta (η)Taurus 0°19’ 6°08’ 24°10 03 57°13 2.87
Aldebaran Alpha (α)Taurus 10°07’ 15°56’ 16°33 -5°27 69°19 0.86
Algol Beta (β)Perseus 26°30’ 2°18’ 41°03 22°25 47°26 2.12
Alkaid Eta (η)Ursa Major 27°16’ 3°04’ 49°11 54°22 207°07 1.86
Almach Gamma (γ)Andromeda 14°33’ 20°22’ 42°26 27°48 31°20 2.10
Alphecca Alpha (α)Corona Borealis 12°37’ 18°26’ 26°37 44°19 233°55 2.24
Antares Alpha (α)Scorpius 10°05’ 15°54’ -26°29 -4°34 247°42 0.91
Arcturus Alpha (α)Bootes 24°33’ 0°22’ 19°03 30°43 214°11 -0.05
Asellus Australis Delta (δ)Cancer 9°03’ 14°52’ 18°03 04 131°30 3.94
Asellus Boreali Gamma (γ)Cancer 7°52’ 13°41’ 21°22 11 131°10 4.65
Betelgeuse Alpha (α)Orion 29°05’ 4°54’ 24 -16°01 89°07 0.42
Canopus Alpha (α)Carina 15°18’ 21°07’ -52°42 -75°49 96°07 -0.74
Castor Alpha (α)Gemini 20°34’ 26°23’ 31°50 10°05 114°02 1.58
Denebola Beta (β)Leo 21°57’ 27°45’ 14°26 12°15 177°34 2.13
Fomalhaut Alpha (α)Piscis Austrinus 4°11’ 10°00’ -29°29 -21°08 344°44 1.16
Markab Alpha (α)Pegasus 23°49’ 29°37’ 15°20 19°24 346°29 2.48
Mirach Beta (β)Andromeda 0°44’ 6°33’ 35°45 25°56 17°46 2.05
Polaris Alpha (α)Ursa Minor 28°54’ 4°43’ 89°22 66°06 45°51 2.02
Pollux Beta (β)Gemini 23°33’ 29°21’ 27°58 41 116°42 1.14
Praesepe Epsilon (ε) or M44Cancer 7°32’ 13°21’ 19°53 33 130°22 3.70
Procyon Alpha (α)Canis Minor 26°07’ 1°55’ 09 -16°01 115°08 0.37
Regulus Alpha (α)Leo 0°09’ 5°58’ 11°50 27 152°24 1.40
Rigel Beta (β)Orion 17°10’ 22°58’ -8°10 -31°07 78°55 0.13
Sirius Alpha (α)Canis Major 14°25’ 20°13’ -16°44 -39°36 101°33 -1.46
Spica Alpha (α)Virgo 24°10’ 29°58’ -11°17 -2°03 201°36 0.97
Toliman Alpha (α)Centaurus 29°46’ 5°35’ -60°55 -42°36 220°18 -0.10
Unukalhai Alpha (α)Serpens 22°24’ 28°12’ 20 25°30 236°21 2.63
Vega Alpha (α)Lyra 15°38’ 21°26’ 38°48 61°43 279°25 0.03
Zuben Elgenubi Alpha (α)Libra 15°24’ 21°13’ -16°08 19 223°02 2.75
Zuben Eschamali Beta (β)Libra 19°42’ 25°30’ -9°28 29 229°34 2.62