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Tools found: 49 x "calendar"
Annual Astro Calendar
Annual summary of astrology events (Sun Signs, Retrograde motion, Planet ingresses, Transit Aspects, Full & New Moons)
Annual Exact Aspects (0° Orb aspects)
Annual mundane conjunctions and other aspects
Annual Moon Ingresses into the Particular Sign
Moon Ingresses into the Particular Sign (0° and 30°)
Cazimi Planets, Combust Planets & Optional Sun Aspects
Cazimi 0°17' & Optional ±XX°YY' aspect from the Sun
Cycles: Mars Synodic Cycles Calendar
Morning Star, Evening Star, Maximum Brightness, Visibility
Cycles: Mercury Synodic Cycles Calendar
Mercury Promethean, Epimethean, Greatest Elongation, Maximum Brightness, Visibility
Cycles: Venus Calendar (1 Venus Cycle 584 days, 5 Venus Cycles 8-years)
New Venus, Full Venus, Greatest Elongation, Maximum Brightness, Retrograde Venus
Cycles: Venus Calendar (Venus Greatest Elongation)
New Venus, Full Venus, Greatest Elongation, Maximum Brightness, Retrograde Venus
Cycles: Venus Calendar (Venus Maximum Brightness)
New Venus, Full Venus, Greatest Elongation, Maximum Brightness, Retrograde Venus
Cycles: Venus Calendar (Venus Sign Ingresses)
New Venus, Full Venus, Greatest Elongation, Maximum Brightness, Retrograde Venus
Cycles: Venus Calendar (Venus Visibility)
New Venus, Full Venus, Greatest Elongation, Maximum Brightness, Retrograde Venus
Cycles: Venus Calendar (Venus-Moon Conjunctions)
New Venus, Full Venus, Greatest Elongation, Maximum Brightness, Retrograde Venus
Daily Transits of ASC, MC, Fortune, Vertex in Natal chart
Transits in Natal chart and conjunctions with Natal planets
Fertility calendar, Dr. Jonas method (Soli-Lunar phase)
The method is based on Soli-Lunar Phase, which is a mutual aspect between Sun and Moon in the moment of birth
Full Moons and New Moons - Annual Calendar
Annual calendar of Full Moons & New Moons (including Eclipses)
Graphic: Annual Moon Ingresses into the Particular Sign
Moon Ingresses into the Particular Sign (0° and 30°)
Graphic: Annual Transits in Natal Chart - Circular Chart Calendar
Annual graphic overview with retrograde planets inside of natal chart
Graphic: Arabic Moon Mansion Calendar
Monthly 28 Arabic Lunar Mansions
Graphic: Circular Moon Phase Calendar
Graphic online generator with various graphic styles
Graphic: Gardening Moon Calendar (Biodynamic Farmer's Planting Guide)
Gardening by the Moon Phase, Biodynamic Farmer's Planting Guide
Graphic: Ibn Arabi Cosmology (Arabic Moon Mansions)
Monthly 28 Arabic Lunar Mansions
Graphic: Planetary Cycles - How long does a planet stay in a sign?
Cycles: From 0° Aries to 0° Aries
Graphic: Retrograde Planets - Circular Chart Calendar
Annual graphic overview with retrograde planets
Graphic: Retrograde Planets - Column Overview
Annual graphic overview of Retrograde Planets
Graphic: Sabian Symbols Daily Calendar
Daily Calendar with Sabian Symbol for the current Sun degree
Graphic: Venus Calendar: 5-Petaled Rose of Venus
5-Petaled Rose of Venus
Graphic: Venus Calendar: Venus-Moon Conjunction
Conjunction of the Moon and Venus
Lunation Cycle - Monthly Calendar
Monthly calendar for each 8-Lunar Sun-Moon 45° Phase
Mercury Retrograde - Shadow Periods of Mercury
Annual overview of Retrograde-Shadow Periods of Mercury
Monthly Aspects and Transits Calendar
Monthly Aspects & Transits (Calendar with customizable orbs)
Monthly Astro Calendar
Monthly summary of astrology events (Retrograde motion, Sign ingresses, Full & New Moons)
Monthly Moon Aspects & Moon Ingresses Calendar
Period of time when Moon does not form an exact Ptolemaic aspect with another planet until Moon steps into the following sign.
Out-of-Bounds Planets Dates
Tables with Out-of-Bounds dates (Moon, Mecury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto)
Personal Transit Calendar, Personal Monthly Transits
Transit aspects to Natal planets, angles, house cusps (multiple transit planets and multiple aspects)
Progressed Full & New Moons
Secondary Progressed Full Moons & New Moon in Natal houses, Conjunctions with Natal planets
Progressed Lunation Cycle (8 Lunar phases)
Lunation Cycle (8 Lunar phases) in Secondary Progressions
Progressed Personal Calendar
Annual-Birthday Progressed Calendar + Life-time Progressed Calendar (progressed planet ingresses and retrogradity changes)
Retrograde Planets - Online Tables
Annual overview of Retrograde and Stationary Planets
Sidereal: Nakshatra Calendar (Signs and Nakshatra Ingresses)
Returns-Ingresses into Signs, Nakshatras, D9 Navamsas
Solar and Lunar Eclipses - Online Tables
Tables of Solar and Lunar Eclipses including Saros cycles (1500-2500)
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Solar Return | Rectification | Full Moon March, April | Astro Calendar | Ephemeris | Name Calculator | Weather Forecasting | Horary Chart |
Midpoint Calculator | House Systems | Solar Arc | Zodiac Signs Dates | Electional | Gardening | Sabian Symbols | Big Three | Tarot Astrology |
Mercury Retrograde | Kundli | VOC Moon | Planetary Overview | Interpretations | Natal | Synastry | Transit | Fixed Stars | Julian to Gregorian |
Sinastria | Astrologia | Mapa Astral | Horóscopos gratuitos | Horoskop Berechnen |